trust me you can make relax inside your car 

With the enormous technological developments in the automotive world is currently no longer function air conditioner in the car is limited to air heating in winter or cooling in the summer, but that a lot of international companies are offering additional functionality turning the car into an oasis of relaxation; such as the emission of natural scents and ambiance mimic breeze Winds nice, Foams, Heated Seats, with massage function.

He explained Goetze Renner, customer research of the Mercedes Center - Benz German, that people spend much time in the car, both during and go to work and back on a daily basis, or when starting car for holidays and vacations in distant places, or because of jams constant traffic congestion. And therefore the car was transformed from a mere means of transport and transfer to living the scope of an individual's requirements are different increases for other places of living, says German expert: «one wishes to enjoy a relaxing and comfort in the place in which he lives», so it must meet air conditioner, one needs on board the car.

Hot stones

Mercedes is counting heavily on the relaxed atmosphere in her new class of S, where the German company that turned the luxury saloon into an oasis of comfort and relaxation, according to the wishes of customers. Function air conditioner not only on the availability of the four regions at different temperatures inside the cabin with heating all the seats, but the bouquet Additional equipment for the car category S new include odorous system with air four Fragrances innovative specially sedan luxury, so that the seats are heated and equipped with pneumatic Posadat can be controlled by personal desires, mimic the function of a hot stone massage.

German Mercedes is not going alone on the trail to provide an atmosphere conducive to rest and relaxation on board the cars of luxury, where Lexus Japanese company provided car GS in 2012, equipped with air conditioning new air called S-Flow, which operates technology, multi-layered ventilation allows air flow in the cabin, according to the individual requirements of each passenger. Japanese company explained that the airway is divided into two ranges to this evolving system, where the pure air flowing out of the car at the top of the car's interior, so as to prevent condensation on the glass of the car. In the lower range are air-conditioned rotate, so as to ensure a high heating capacity.

The technique works Nanoe in the Lexus GS to provide fresh air inside the luxury sedan. This technique you connect ions very accurate and negatively charged in the lid of the water molecules in the cabin. These ions and purify pollutants from the air and remove odors from the seats and interior ceiling. In addition, the advantage of these ions impact of moisturizer in the cabin, where passengers come down from the car and they feel relaxed and refreshed.

Hiking in the forest

Infinity, a subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co. of Japan has inspired a new air conditioner from the atmosphere of hiking in the woods. He explained the developer Yozoro Yoshinama «usually one feels the tip of rest and relaxation during hiking tours in the forest», so comes the new air conditioner is equipped with two units of perfume wafting smell each timber and foliage. Share units Smart perfume with the function of a random control the fan resulting in a nice breeze winds, to provide an atmosphere conducive to rest and recovery in the cabin. Experts argue that the welfare system is not exclusive to the sedan luxury only, where the Renault company offers, for example, small electric car Zoe, with the possibility to provide handwriting equipment Ze which includes a bouquet «Take-Care», with ionizing device works to purify the air in a manner similar to the Lexus GS.

In addition to the air freshener is available for customers to choose between eight Fragrances «vibrant and conducive to relaxation», which helps to moisturize the air as well. He explained Thomas May Anglert, media spokesman of the Renault company, «will be controlled in the air perfumed by the sensor, thus preclude dry skin, eyes and respiratory tract».

Despite the announcement that the company Mercedes air freshener system is one of the new innovations in the S-Class luxury car, but the French Citroen company asserts that it provides a system for C4 compact car category for a long time. He said a media spokesman for the French company «current C4 car is the first model is the use of such systems that emit scents.» One of the new equipment that abound in a Mercedes S-Class heating wires in Foams doors and armrests Balconsol East, but these heating wires are currently available in the steering wheel and seats all other categories of cars for an additional cost in most cases. Auto experts say that the pursuit of further development of the air conditioner techniques not only due to international companies attaching special importance to provide a relaxed atmosphere on board the vehicles, which in turn represents one important motivation for the purchase of the car, but Goetze Renner, an expert company Mercedes, confirmed that the relaxed atmosphere in cabin contribute to increased driving safety, and added «the driver, who feels relaxed, enjoying led safer, but there is nothing wrong there are some ways to comfort on board the car»....


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